San Vito Lo Capo
San Vito Lo Capo
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San Vito Lo Capo is an Italian municipality of 4,180 inhabitants in the province of Trapani in Sicily. The town is one of the most famous summer resorts in Sicily, due to the beauty of its beach.
It was born at the end of the eighteenth century, in the state-owned territory of Erice, on the slopes of Monte Monaco, in the very white bay between Capo San Vito and Punta Solanto. Traces of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras are found in the numerous natural cavities, once homes, which overlook the sea. The existence of an ancient village, Conturrana, remains shrouded in mystery, an immense cliff 500 steps from the shore that detached from the mountain. Here, probably around the end of the 4th century BC, a small inhabited center existed. The generating nucleus of San Vito Lo Capo is the current Sanctuary, an ancient fortress which has undergone numerous building interventions over the centuries.
The first building, built around the fourteenth century, was a small chapel dedicated to San Vito martyr, patron saint of the seaside village. According to a tradition accepted and reported by all hagiographers and scholars of Sicilian history, the young Vito (presumably of Lucanian origins), to escape the rigors of the tenth persecution ordered by Diocletian (303-304), and the wrath of his father of the prefect Valeriano, together with his master Modesto and his nurse Crescenzia, who escaped by sea from Mazara, with the favor of the winds landed on the coast of the Punta fiefdom, in the territory of Monte Erice, called Capo Egitarso by the ancients. Here he began to preach the word of God among the local people, in a village not far from the beach, called Conturrana.
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